
UX Night Vol.2

2019-07-11(木)19:00 - 21:50 JST

Indeed Tamachi (インディード 田町オフィス)

Tamachi Station Towers S 19F, Shibaura 3-1-21, Minato-ku, Tokyo (東京都港区芝浦3丁目1−21 msb Tamachi田町ステーションタワーS 19階)




Light refreshments and drinks will be provided (飲み物と軽食をご用意する予定です)



Updates 更新情報

  • Changed the floor of the venue from 18F to 19F (July 9th)


  • 会場のフロアを18Fから19Fに変更しました (7/9)

Overview 概要

UX Night is a casual event to learn about UX and meet people with similar interests. At the event, Designers from Indeed, as well as external UX professionals, will give short design talks covering process, best practice, and UX. Light refreshments will be provided, so come along to meet and enjoy socializing with other like-minded participants!


19:30-21:40 Thursday, July 11, 2019 (Doors open at 19:00)

Entry fee



UX Nightは、Indeed主催のカジュアルなUXの勉強会・交流会イベントです。Indeed社内で活躍するデザイナーに加えて、外部から第一線で活躍する方をお呼びして、デザイン手法を活用した事例またはUXデザイン全般をお題に、各スピーカーからお話させて頂きます。イベント中には簡単な軽食とお飲み物をご提供しますので、参加者同士でのざっくばらんな交流もお楽しみください。


2019年7月11日(木)19:30-21:40 (19:00開場)



Expected participants 対象者

  • UX Designers
  • UX Researchers
  • Product Managers
  • Engineers
  • UI/Web Designers, Directors, etc.


  • UXデザイナー
  • UXリサーチャー
  • プロダクトマネージャー
  • エンジニア
  • UIデザイナー、Web デザイナー、ディレクター等

Speakers スピーカー

Talk 1 トーク1 : The Creatures way of working versus the traditional process (To be updated)

Dave Gibson, UI/UX Design Lead at Creatures Inc.

Dave Gibson has helped ship 18 AAA titles as well as various mobile games at companies such as Electronic Arts, Capcom, and Disney Interactive. He is currently employed at Creatures Inc. (Part of the Pokémon family) as their UI/UX Design Lead.

Talk 2 トーク2: 8 rules for infinite consistency (To be updated)

Tomas Zeman, Senior UX Designer at Indeed

Tomas is a self-taught designer with extensive experience working in digital agencies and startups, with clients like T-Mobile, Nivea, Lego, Peugeot, Ogilvy, and the United Nations. Before coming to Japan, Tomas was leading visual design for one of the biggest security companies (AVG/Avast).
Work aside, Tomas is a huge gamer and Playstation fanboy and enjoys conspiracy theories because it helps with his creative thinking. Also, he will only increase the sound volume by 5-point increments, ensures everything is properly aligned — particularly design patterns — and hates the sound of loud apple crunching.
Tomas is from Czech Republic, has a master’s degree in Managerial Informatics, and has been living in Japan for 2.5 years with his wife and daughter. He is currently a Senior Product Designer at Indeed.

Corey Chandler, UX Manager at Indeed

Corey was was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, and fell in love with the field of User Experience Design ever since he saw a virtual reality scene in a sci-fi movie as a child. After spending 5 years designing for eBay, he moved into consulting for 7 years working with companies large and small, including Netflix, Intuit, and Stubhub. Before joining Indeed, he was Head of Design for Clover, a point of sale company based in Sunnyvale, CA. In 2018, Corey moved to Tokyo to join Indeed as a UX Manager for the Employer Mobile and Enterprise Experience teams.

When not designing, he enjoys playing classical double bass with local orchestras, hiking, and discovering tasty places to eat.

Timetable タイムテーブル

Time (start) Details Duration (mins)
19:00 Doors open 30
19:30 Intro + instructions 10
19:40 Talk 1 20
20:00 Q&A 10
20:10 Break 25
20:35 Talk 2 20
20:55 Q&A 10
21:05 Fill out survey 5
21:10 Announcements 10
21:20 Socializing 30
21:50 Close


開始時間 内容 時間 (分)
19:00 開場 30
19:30 ご挨拶 10
19:40 トーク1 20
20:00 Q&A 10
20:10 休憩 25
20:35 トーク2 20
20:55 Q&A 10
21:05 アンケート 5
21:10 告知・お知らせ等 10
21:20 交流 30
21:50 イベント終了

Host 主催


About Indeed Indeedについて

Indeed is the #1 job site in the world with over 200 million unique visitors every month. The company was founded in Austin in 2004. It was acquired by Recruit in 2012 and has been growing rapidly. Indeed UX Tokyo is a group of UX Researchers, UX Designers, and Design Technologists from all over the world who work together on Indeed's mission of Helping People Get Jobs.


Indeedはグローバルで月間2億人の求職者が利用している世界最大の求人サイト。米国のオースティンで2004年に創業。2012年にリクルートが買収し、急激な成長を続けています。Indeed UX Tokyoは東京を拠点とし、各国から集まったUXリサーチャー・UXデザイナー・デザインテクノロジストから成るグループです。

Notes 注意事項

  • You can enter the venue from 19:00 onwards
  • Please provide us with your business card at the reception desk. Alternatively, you will need to provide your name and contact information if you don’t have a business card
  • Smoking is prohibited at the venue
  • If you arrive at the venue after 20:00, the main entrance to the building will be closed, so contact us and we will come downstairs to pick you up
  • You can see the previous event, UX Night Vol.1 here


  • 受付開始は19時00分です。それまではご入場できません。
  • 受付で名刺を頂戴しますので、名刺をお持ちください。お持ちでない場合、別紙に氏名、連絡先などの記載をお願いすることがあります。
  • オフィス内は全面禁煙です。
  • 20:00以降は会場のビルの入り口が閉まります。20:00以降に来られる場合は、イベントのお問い合わせ窓口から事前または到着後にご連絡いただけますようお願いします。
  • 前回開催のイベント、UX Night Vol.1はこちらからご覧いただけます。


Indeed UX Tokyo

Indeed UX Tokyo

Indeed is the #1 job site in the world with over 200 million unique visitors every month. The company was founded in Austin in 2004. It was acquired by Recruit in 2012 and has been growing rapidly....
